OKR Overview

Gain a comprehensive view of your objectives with this detailed overview page. To open the page click on the objective name within Mine or All subsection of the Perform's OKRs section.

Key Sections:

  • Header: Access essential information about the objective, including its type, status, owner, contributor, associated cycle, progress bar, last update date, department, visibility, attachments, and available actions (Copy, Edit, Lock).

  • Key Results: Track progress towards the objective's key results. 
  • Parent/Child Objectives: Understand the hierarchical relationship between this objective and others.
  • Linked KPIs: Monitor the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are directly associated with this objective. You can also add more KPIs or otherwise unlink the added ones by clicking the Edit icon ✎ within the Header section.


  • Type: The classification of the objective (e.g., Committed, Aspirational, Learning).
  • Status: The current state of the objective (e.g., Missed, Not Set, Achieved).
  • Owner: The individual responsible for the objective's success.
  • Contributor(s): Individuals who are actively involved in working towards the objective.
  • Associated Cycle: The timeframe during which the objective is intended to be achieved.
  • Progress Bar: A visual representation of the objective's overall progress based on key result achievements.
  • Last Update Date: The date and time when the objective's details were last modified.
  • Department: The department to which the objective is assigned.
  • Visibility: The level of access granted to the objective (e.g., Private, Public).
  • Layer: Indicates the scope or level of the objective within the organization (e.g., Individual, Department, Organization). 
  • Attachments: Any files or documents that have been attached to the objective for reference or support.
  • Available Actions: A set of actions that can be performed on the objective, such as Copy, Edit, and Lock (described below).
    • After an objective has been locked, you may still have the option to mark it as complete using the Complete Objective button in the Header.
  • Copy: Duplicates the objective for easy creation of similar objectives.
  • Edit: Allows modification of the objective's details.
  • Lock: Prevents further changes to the objective (making it read-only), with the exception of adding check-ins or initiatives.
  • Completing Objective 

    At the end of an objective cycle, you'll need to complete it to finalize the process and assess its outcome.

    To complete a cycle:

    1. Click the Complete Objective button
    2. Review the objective progress
      •  The system will automatically determine the objective's status based on the predefined objective type and the progress of its associated key results
    3. Select the reason for completing the objective:
      •  Accomplished: The work done throughout the cycle contributed to the objective, but the final goal may not have been fully achieved
      • Obsolete: The objective has become outdated or irrelevant due to changes within the company or external factors
    4. If you want to add additional context or explanation for the selected completion reason, you can leave a comment
    5. Click Complete to confirm the completion of the cycle or Cancel to discard the changes.
    Key Results

    The Key Results section displays the measurable outcomes that contribute to the achievement of the objective.

    • Key Result Title: A clear statement of the desired outcome.
    • Progress Bar: A visual representation of the current progress toward the key result.
    • Status: A descriptor of the progress (On Track, Not Set)
    • Weight: A numerical value (e.g. 50%) indicating the relative importance of this key result to the overall objective. This suggests that this key result contributes 50% to the objective's success.
    • Due Date: The date by which the key result is expected to be achieved.
    • Last Update: The date of the last recorded update to the key result's progress. 
    • Edit Weights: This button allows you to adjust the relative importance (weight) assigned to each key result. (The button becomes available after you complete the objective)
    • Add Key Result: This button enables you to add a new key result to the objective, further defining the measurable outcomes required for success. (The button becomes available after you complete the objective)

    • Comments: The Comments link indicates the number of comments associated with this key result. Clicking it will open a side panel to view or add comments.
    • Check-Ins: The Check Ins link shows the number of check-in updates recorded for this key result. Clicking it will open a side panel with details of these check-ins.
    • Attachments: The  Attachments link indicates the attached files to this key result.
    • Owner & Contributors: Profile photos  indicate the owner and any contributors responsible for this key result.
    • Initiatives: The See Initiatives with the downward-pointing arrow indicates that there are initiatives associated with this key result. Clicking the arrow will expand the section to display the initiatives added to drive progress on this key result.
    •  Action menu: Provides a set of options to interact with the key result:

    Tip: The Edit Weights and Add Key Result buttons may still be visible, even for locked or completed objectives, depending on your permissions (Edit Key Result).


    You can perform the following actions for initiatives by opening the Action Menu:

    • Add Comments: Provide feedback and click Send
    • Report Progress: Update the initiative's status and progress
    • Edit Initiatives: Make necessary changes to the initiative's details
    • Delete: Remove the initiative if it's no longer relevant

    Below the Action Menu, you'll find the following information:

    • Comments: Displays the number of comments associated with the initiative. Click the link to view existing comments or add new ones. 
    • Progress Reports (Check-Ins): Shows the number of progress reports (or check-ins) submitted for the initiative. Click the link to review the history of progress updates and track how the initiative has evolved over time. 
    • Attachments: Indicates the number of files attached to the initiative. Click the link to access  any supporting documents  related to the initiative.

      Parent/Child Objectives

      This section displays the parent and child objectives related to this objective. You can use the Edit icon ✎ to modify these relationships and adjust the objective's position within the overall hierarchy.

      Linked KPIs

      This section displays all Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are directly linked to this objective. You can add or remove linked KPIs by clicking the Edit icon✎.

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