Recruitment Pipelines Overview

The Recruitment Pipeline is a vital framework that acts as the backbone of the hiring process, ensuring a smooth journey from candidate identification to successful onboarding. In this article, we dig dipper into the intricacies of working with the recruitment pipeline, exploring best practices, key stages, and innovative strategies to optimize your hiring workflow.

The Recruitment Pipeline section contains the following data: 

  • ID of the pipeline;
  • Title of the pipeline;
  • Number of candidates within the pipeline different stages;
  • Stages that the specific pipeline contains.

Working With Recruitment Pipelines

Depending on what kind of data you wish to access you can navigate to different sections within the Recruitment Pipeline page. For example, you can click on the pipeline Title.

Once you tap on the Title you will be navigated to the page where you have the following view options: 

  • Quick Filters:
    • All Candidates: shows the names and profiles of all candidates withing the pipeline even if the recruitment process is finished with them;
    • My Candidates: shows the names and profiles of those candidates in whose hiring process you are involved;
    • My Tasks: shows those candidates names and profiles where you have an assessment to complete.
  • Stages:
    • The stages are displayed below the Quick Filters. Those are the stages that are created and included in the pipeline during its creation process. You can select one stage at a time or select them all;
    • In case any stage is selected the system displays the ID, Full Name, clickable CV icon, Stage; Stage Status; Rating and Tags.

Tip: You can access the same data in case you click on the number shown in the candidate column or the Recruitment Stage

Congratulations! Can you imagine what an important journey you have passed as a Talent Acquisition specialist. Stay tuned and click here to read about our Perform module and its functionalities. 

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