Creating and Working with OKR Layers

Build your goal hierarchy with's OKR Layers. Group objectives by Strategic Level, Company Level, Department Level, or Individual Level to create a clear roadmap, align everyone towards a shared vision, and track progress at different scales.

Company (Big Picture): Group your objectives by Company Level, aligning everyone towards a shared vision.

Department (Team Power): Organize goals by Department Level to empower teams and celebrate collaborative success.

Individual (Individual Focus): Define personal objectives at the Individual Level to track your progress and growth.

Strategic (Long-term vision): Set objectives that align with the organization's long-term vision and goals beyond the immediate timeframe of regular cycles. These objectives play a crucial role in guiding overall direction and strategic alignment.

To view and manage the company layers, navigate to Perform, open the OKRs section, select Settings and click Layers.

Note: Every Layer wears a unique, pre-chosen color for easy identification.

Creating Layers

Follow these steps to add your first layer:

  1. Navigate to Perform → OKRs → Settings → Layers.
  2. Click on the + Add button.
  3. Give your layer a name that reflects its purpose.
  4. Use the color picker to choose a unique and memorable color for it.
  5. Click Save to confirm your changes or Cancel to close.

Tip: Want to edit? Click the layer name to access its settings.

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