Terminations Reports

The Terminations Report provides a valuable list of employees who have left the company during a specific timeframe. With the graph view, you can quickly see the distribution of Resigned and Terminated employees. The visual representation helps you identify trends in employee departures, such as spikes in resignations or terminations in specific departments or during certain times of the year. This can help you understand why people are leaving and what you can do to keep your best employees happy. 

How to Access Your Terminations Reports

  1. Navigate to the Reports module in the main menu
  2. Select People Management from the Basic section
  3. Choose the Terminations report card and click View

When you open the Terminations Report, you'll see data for the current period by default. This timeframe covers the past 12 months, starting from the first day of the current month and ending on the last day. This view offers a clear picture of recent employee departures.

Report Layout

Graph/Calendar View: The Termination report opens in a Graph view 📈, allowing you to see trends in employee departures over time. This view is ideal for identifying peak periods of terminations, tracking overall termination velocity, and seeing how close you are to meeting any workforce size reduction targets you may have set. You can switch to a Calendar view📅 using the provided icon.

Data Breakdown: Both the Graph and Calendar views offer detailed information about each employee termination within your chosen timeframe. Here's what you'll see:

  • ID
  • Employee Name (Clicking the name opens the employee's profile in a separate window.)
  • Date of termination
  • Type that indicates whether the employee resigned or was terminated
  • Position
  • Professional Level
  • Branch Office
  • Department
  • Employment Type (e.g. Full Time, Part Time)

Customize Timeframe: Use the Date Pickers located above the graph or calendar view.

  1. Click on the calendar icon next to the Start Date field
  2. Select the year you want to analyze
  3. Choose the specific month within the selected year

The End Date automatically adjusts to the last day of the month twelve months after your chosen Start Date. For example, if you select March 1st, 2023 as the Start Date, the End Date will automatically populate as March 31st, 2024.

Filter Reports: Use the provided filters to narrow down your data based on specific criteria such as Department, Position, Termination Reason, Termination Type, etc.

Group By Feature: Gain deeper insights by grouping terminations based on various factors:

  • Employee Count: See the total number of terminations within your chosen timeframe or filtered criteria
  • Branch: Analyze terminations by branch location
  • Department: Identify trends in terminations within specific departments
  • Employment Type: Understand the distribution of terminations across different employment categories (e.g., Full-Time, Part-Time)
  • Termination Reason: Group by termination reason (e.g. Bad Performance, Moved to another Company, etc.)
  • Termination Type: Group by the termination type (Resigned or Terminated)

Note: The Filter functionality can be accessed from both the main report page and the sidebar menu for your convenience. These filters offer the same functionality, regardless of where you access them. Selecting options in any filter will produce analogous results across all filters.

Terminations Report Graph view

The Terminations Report opens with a line chart by default, which provides a clear visual representation of employee departures. This graph automatically adjusts based on your selections in the Group By dropdown menu. This dynamic visualization enables you to analyze trends in terminations across different areas of your workforce: department, termination reason, termination type, and more.

Group by View:

Terminations by Employee Count

This chart showcases the number of employee departures within your chosen timeframe. As the default view, it's the first thing you'll see when you open the Terminations Report.

X-axis (Horizontal): Represents each month within the selected timeframe

Y-axis (Vertical): Reflects the total number of terminated employees (or employees leaving soon) for each month

Hovering over the intersection point of a month and the corresponding line on the graph will display a tooltip. This tooltip reveals the number of terminated employees (or employees leaving soon) as of the first day of that specific month.

Terminations by Branch

This chart provides a breakdown of employee terminations across your branch offices within the chosen timeframe.

X-axis (Horizontal): Represents each month within the selected timeframe

Y-axis (Vertical): Reflects the total number of terminated employees (or employees leaving soon) for each branch office during a specific month

Hovering over the intersection point of a month and the corresponding line for a branch on the graph will display a tooltip. This tooltip reveals the number of terminated employees (or employees leaving soon) as of the first day of that month for the specific branch office.

Note: Each branch office is represented by a unique colored line on the graph.

Terminations by Department

This section allows you to analyze employee terminations across different departments within your organization for the chosen timeframe. Here's what the chart reveals:

X-axis (Horizontal): Represents each month within the selected timeframe

Y-axis (Vertical): Reflects the total number of terminated employees (or employees leaving soon) for each department during a specific month

Hovering over the intersection point of a month and the corresponding line for a department on the graph will display a tooltip. This tooltip reveals the number of terminated employees (or employees leaving soon) as of the first day of that month for the specific department.

Note: Each department is represented by a unique colored line on the graph.

Terminations by Employment Type

The chart allows you to analyze employee terminations across different employment types (e.g., full-time, part-time) within your organization for the chosen timeframe. 

Understanding the Axes:

X-axis (Horizontal): Represents each month within the selected timeframe

Y-axis (Vertical): Reflects the total number of terminated employees (or employees leaving soon) for each employment type during a specific month.

Hovering over the intersection point of a month and the corresponding line for an employment type on the graph will display a tooltip. This tooltip reveals the number of terminated employees (or employees leaving soon) as of the first day of that month for the specific employment type.

Note: The graph uses different colors to differentiate lines representing data for each employment category (e.g., full-time, part-time).

Terminations by Termination Reason

This section allows you to analyze employee terminations based on their designated reason for leaving. Examining terminations by reason can provide valuable insights into why employees are departing your organization.

Understanding the Axes:

X-axis (Horizontal): Represents each month within the selected timeframe

Y-axis (Vertical): Reflects the total number of terminated employees (or employees leaving soon) for each termination reason during a specific month.

Hovering over the intersection point of a month and the corresponding line for a termination reason on the graph will display a tooltip. This tooltip reveals the number of terminated employees (or employees leaving soon) as of the first day of that month for the specific termination reason.

Note: Each termination reason is represented by a line of a distinct color on the graph.

Terminations by Termination Type

This section provides insights into how employees are leaving your organization, focusing on termination type (terminated, resigned). Analyzing terminations by type can be helpful for understanding if departures are voluntary or involuntary.

X-axis (Horizontal): Represents each month within the selected timeframe

Y-axis (Vertical): Reflects the total number of terminated employees (or employees leaving soon) for each termination type during a specific month. 

Hovering over the intersection point of a month and the corresponding line for a termination type on the graph will display a tooltip. This tooltip reveals the number of terminated employees (or employees leaving soon) as of the first day of that month for the specific termination type.

Note: Lines on the graph are color-coded to represent different termination types.

Terminations Report Calendar View

Click the Calendar icon 📅 to access the Terminations Report in a calendar format. This view provides a detailed breakdown of employee departures by month, categorized based on your selections in the "Group By" dropdown menu.

Columns: Each column represents a month within the chosen timeframe, as specified by the Date Pickers.

Rows: The rows reflect the selections you make from the Group By dropdown menu. This allows you to analyze terminations based on various criteria, including:

  • Branch: See where terminations are concentrated within your organization
  • Department: Identify areas experiencing higher turnover or requiring staffing adjustments
  • Employment Type: See a breakdown of terminated employees by their employment type (e.g., Full-Time, Part-Time) on the first day of each month
  • Employee Count: Reveals the cumulative number of employees terminated within the chosen timeframe

  • Termination Reason: Allows you to analyze departures based on the designated reason for leaving (e.g., resignation, performance issues)

  • Termination Type: Helps you understand how employees are leaving, focusing on termination type (Resigned or Terminated)

Employees' list: Displays all employees within your organization for the chosen timeframe. Each employee entry provides relevant details such as position, level, branch, and more.

Export Graphs

Easily export the report's graph as a PDF or Excel file using the Export button.

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