Understanding Strategic Priorities, Goals, and Perspectives

Strategic Priorities, Goals, and Perspectives are fundamental elements of your organization's strategic planning process. They provide a clear direction for your company's efforts and help align your teams toward achieving common objectives.

  • Strategic Priorities: Represent the overarching focus areas that drive your organization's success.
  • Strategic Goals: Define specific objectives that support your strategic priorities and outline key milestones within defined timeframes.
  • Strategic Perspectives: These are pre-defined areas that help you analyze your organization's performance from different angles. They include:
      • Customer Satisfaction: Focuses on how well your organization meets customer needs and expectations
      • Finance: Examines your organization's financial health and performance
      • Operational: Evaluate your organization's efficiency and effectiveness in executing its operations
      • Organizational Capacity: Assesses your organization's ability to adapt, grow, and achieve its goals
  • Creating Strategic Priorities:
    1. Navigate to Perform → Strategy → Priorities
    2. Click +Add button
    3.  Strategic Priority: Determine the critical areas that will drive your organization's
    4. Strategic Result: Create concise and impactful statements that capture your overarching goals.
    5. Color: Select a color to make the Strategy Map more visually appealing and easier to understand
    6. Define Strategic Goals: Select the objectives that align with your strategic priorities
    7. Click Save to add the strategic priority or Cancel to discard any changes

    You can edit and delete the priority by using the corresponding icons.

    Defining Strategic Goals:
    1. Navigate to Perform →  Strategy → Goals
    2. Click on the + Add button
    3. Select a Strategic Perspective and add a relevant strategic goal to it
    4. Provide a
      clear and concise name for the strategic goal and click the checkmark icon ✓ to finalize the creation of the strategic goal
      • You can remove the goal by clicking the cross ❌ icon 

    Congratulations! You've successfully defined your strategic priorities and goals. Next, explore how these elements are visualized and interconnected within the Strategy Map.

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