November 2024

We are excited to share this month's updates, which focus on enhancements to time-off request management and improvements to the homepage layout.

What's New This Month?


Direct Employee Linking to Time Off Approval Flow

We've introduced an Employees section within the Time Off Approval Flow, making the time-off approval process more efficient. This addition allows you to directly link specific employees to approval flows without the need to connect them to a branch, as it worked previously. With this enhancement, you can rest assured that time-off requests are handled promptly and efficiently.

Please note: If an employee is no longer assigned to an approval flow, the system will revert to using the Approval Flow associated with their Branch Office. If no Approval Flow is linked to the branch, the employee will not be able to request time off.


Enhanced Ordering for the Out of Office Section on the Homepage

We've improved the Out of Office section on the homepage to provide a more organized and intuitive display. Employees will now be shown in the following order:

  1. Teammates
  2. Reports To (Direct Managers)
  3. Employees from the same Department
  4. Employees from the same Branch Office
  5. All Other Employees

This structured view will help users quickly identify relevant colleagues who are out of the office, enhancing collaboration and workflow planning.

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