Building a Competency Library

Once you've defined your competency categories, you can create and manage a comprehensive library of competencies within the Library section.

Each category is displayed on a card, along with the total number of competencies associated with it. To add new competencies to a category, simply click the Add button.
By clicking on a specific category card, you can view a detailed list of competencies within that category, including their descriptions. 

Click on a competency name to view its details. To delete a competency, click the bin icon 🗑.

Note: Access to the Grow module and its features is restricted to users with the appropriate permissions, as defined in the Roles and Permissions section of the Settings.

Adding New Competency

To add a new competency, follow these steps:

  1.  Go to the Grow → Competency → Library section.
  2. Choose the relevant category (e.g., Knowledge, Skills, Behavior) where you want to add the new competency.
  3. Click the Add button to open a new form to create a new competency.
  4. Define the Competency:
    • Title: Give the competency a clear and concise title.
    • Description: Provide a detailed description of the competency, outlining its specific requirements and expectations.
  5. Click Save to proceed with the competency levels
  6. Set Competency Levels:
    • Establish five competency levels, ranging from Beginner to Lead.
    • Each level should have a clear description outlining the expected proficiency and performance at that level.
  7. Finally click Save to add the new competency.

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