Tracking and Analyzing KPIs

By effectively tracking and analyzing KPIs, you can evaluate employee performance, identify development opportunities, and make data-driven decisions. Navigate to Perform → KPIs → Track to access My Team and KPI tracking and analysis tools.

Key Actions:

  • Assigned KPIs: Track assigned KPIs to your reports
  • Define Weights: Determine the relative importance of each KPI for employee evaluation
  • Track Progress: Monitor KPI performance over time
  • Analyze Data: Gain insights from KPI data to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for

Tracking Employee KPIs

  • Select an Employee: View the KPIs assigned to a specific employee
  • KPI Count: The number next to the employee indicates the total number of assigned KPIs
  • Previous Score: See the employee's overall performance evaluation
  • Filtering Options: Use filters to view KPIs by type, strategic perspective, or source

Defining Weights

Define employee performance by assigning appropriate weights to each KPI.

  1. Choose an employee from My Team whose KPIs you want to prioritize
  2. Click the Edit Weights button
  3. Assign a percentage value to each KPI, ensuring the total weight equals 100%
  4. Use Distribute Equally to assign equal weights or manually adjust values for customized prioritization
  5. Click Save to apply the weight changes or Cancel to discard them

Tracking Progress

To track the progress of a specific KPI, click on its name. The KPI details page displays the following information:

  • Header: View the KPI's name, description, status, and key metrics
  • Linkage: Understand the KPI's placement within your organizational structure
  • Change History: See a record of modifications made to the KPI
  • Progress History: Provides visual representation of a KPI's performance over time

Header Section:

  • Name: The unique identifier for the KPI
  • Description: A brief explanation of the KPI's purpose and what it measures
  • Status: The current status of the KPI (e.g., Active, Approved, Rejected)
  • Key Metrics: The specific metrics used to calculate the KPI's value
  • Actual Value: The current measured value of the KPI
  • Target Value: The desired or expected value for the KPI
  • Last Update Date: The date when the KPI's information was last updated
  • Start Date: The date when the KPI was first established
  • Frequency: The frequency at which the KPI is measured (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly)
  • Current Period: The current timeframe for evaluating the KPI's performance

Linkage Section:

  • Strategic Perspective: Indicates the strategic area to which this KPI relates (e.g., Organizational Capacity, Customer Satisfaction, Finance, Operational)
  • Type: Specifies the type of KPI (e.g., Individual, Department)
  • Source: Identifies the system or data source where the KPI data is collected (e.g., CRM System).
  • Owner: The person responsible for managing and tracking the KPI
  • Department: The department that the KPI is associated with
  • Contributors: Individuals who are involved in or contribute to the KPI

Change History Section:

  • Progress Updates: Shows a list of updates related to the KPI's progress, including the date, time, and the person who made the update.
  • Modifications: Indicates any changes made to the KPI itself, such as changes to the definition, or measurement method.

See All button allows you to view all available updates or modifications within a list.

The Progress History Section

The Progress History section provides a visual representation of a KPI's performance over time. It includes the following key elements:

  • Chart: A line chart that displays the actual progress of the KPI against the target value
  • Target and Actual Values: The target value for the KPI and the actual values achieved at different points in time
  • % Achieved for the Year: The overall percentage of the annual target achieved
  • Good When: The threshold for considering the KPI as "good" or "successful"
  • Comments: View and add comments related to the KPI's progress
    • Click on the Comments link to view all comments

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