Defining Your Company Vision, Mission and Core Values

A well-defined vision and mission serve as the cornerstone for your organization's strategic planning and goal setting. In this section, you define the vision, mission and core principles that guide your organization. For each value, specify what it means in terms of expected behaviors and what behaviors are considered unacceptable.

To define a vision, mission and a value

  1. Navigate to the Perform module, select Culture, and then choose Values and Mission section. 
  2. Click the Add button to define each element.
  3. Add a detailed description for the value.
    • Use HTML editor to improve your text
Note: Use Edit button to make changes to the provided descriptions.

To elaborate on a value:

  1. Click the Explore button on the value card
  2. Describe the desired behaviors associated with the value in the What it means section
  3. Specify unacceptable behaviors in the What it Doesn't Mean section
  • Edit existing values: Use the Edit icon ✎ to modify the name or description of a value.
  • Delete existing values: Use the Delete icon  🗑 to remove a value.
  • Add new values: Use the Add button to create new entries.
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